So I am only in week 7 of my pregnancy, but already 3 weeks of morning sickness. That being said I think I have been partially successful in my anxieties so far.

1. I haves still been eating every day, multiple times a day. I have a history of anorexia from my emetophobia, and I have been working really hard to not end up in one of those downward spirals.

2. I spoke up to my doctor, about a week ago it got so bad that eating felt like force-feeding myself. That is a danger zone for me, so the doctor put me on diceglis for the morning sickness (a pregnancy safe anti-nausea medication). While I am still nauseous all the time, it is WAYYY better.

3. Since going on the medication for the nausea my anxiety has been far lower. I haven't had to take any ativan (which is not IDEAL for being pregnant).

I am hoping I continue to feel semi-functional, and as an aside, i am hoping that going through this will help me be a little less anxious around nausea and vomiting.