I think I had a panic attack last night. I posted about it on here.

Well, this morning I still feel very bad. I still feel kind of anxious but I've also lost my appetite. My mom brought me food home and I couldnt eat it and I'm one of those people that never turn down food.

I have an urge to go number two but I'm afraid it'll be D or something so I'm not going. I feel a little N, tired, weak and just off. I was supposed to go the mall today but it looks like those plans are shot.

I think I'm catching something and I'm PETRIFIED.

It could be stress maybe. I'm starting a job on Monday and I'm abolsutely terrified about feeling sick there in ANY way. I honestly don't think I can work. My counselor said I couldn't, and my mom sees that Im kind of stressed ever since the women called and told me when to start. I was thinking about that a lot last night while trying to fall asleep. My mind was just racing and then I think the panic attack (if thats what it was) set in. I finally fell asleep at 5:30AM.

Ugh. I hope I'm not getting sick. My period is due also on Monday so maybe this is part of it.I sure hope. Or maybe its the medication, Luvox, I started. I'fe taken it before but its never done this.

I think I'm starting to get my appetite back as I analyse what this could be ailing me: probably period and stress. Now I want my hamburger and fries but its in my mom's stomach now. Grr.