Hello everyone, I am done with my surgery. It went well, and I barely felt sick when I woke up. I am feeling kind of nausous right now, but only when I get up and move around. If I was gonna get sick you guys think I would of by now? Its 730pm and I got home from the hospital at 330pm.

But here is the important news, I have a stent back in my kidney now, and its freaking killing me. They gave me Darvasets for the pain, I have never taken them before, has anybody else? But anyway, I do have bad news and good news. The good news is that my kidney isn't blocked again from what and why the doctor thought. My dr thought that my kidney just got narrow again and my ureter closed up, but that's not the case. The bad news is, I developed a flap of tissue that is blocking any urine from coming out of kidney. I have to be opened up to fix the problem, so yes I have to endure another surgery. I only have to stay in the hospital for one night which is good, and I don't have to worry about losing any part of my kidney which is excellent news.

Thanks everyone for your support. The next couple of weeks are going to be rough, but I know I will get through them. I will let you all know when my next surgery is. Please just keep me in your thoughts, this stent in my kidney causes a lot of pain, especially when I go to the bathroom, I have bladder spams, I constantly feel like I have to pee, and I pee blood (this is all normal, and it won't stop until the stent comes out and that's about 2 months).

I will be around to post as much as I can, but movin around is tough. Thanks eveyone.
