Stress from school has aggrivated my emet so that it's really bad
again. I'm so dissapointed too because I had been you know extremely
slowly recovering.

I just always feel like something is wrong with me. My stomach hurts or
I have a head ache and I'm afraid it means I have something that will
make me v*, and it isn't just the fear of v* that I'm having a hard
time dealing's so hard never feeling well. Really it's just
constantly something stomach or headache or sore throat or sore legs or
any combination of the above.

I haven't been able to sleep. I got only about 4 hours last night and
maybe about 6 the night before. I'm at my dorm and I thought I was okay
but my roommate came in earlier after being out all evening and my
stomach like went into instant cramp. She changed to go for a run and
is out again but she'll be back. I try to be quiet for her even when
I'm having trouble sleeping but how will I be able to do that if just
her being in the room knots up my stomach?

I'm sorry to be annoying I just could use some words of comfort....any
will do. Right now my head really hurts. Does that mean I'm sick?