So.. 6 hours ago I decided to eat some coleslaw when I took my daughter and her friend out to eat at this infamoushot dog placewehavehere. I haven't eaten coleslaw since my sis got violently ill from it 4 years ago, but it sounded good and I was feeling brave. Well, I feel really sick... Like, really, really sick. I've made a couple trips to the bathroom and was stricken with the poops [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img] I'm kinda nervous and I'm pissed that I tried to be brave and it backfired. I am wondering how much of this I have talked myself into or if it's actually legitimate. I am burping up coleslaw [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img] YUK! Even if I end up being fine, I don't think I will ever eat that stuff again.

And I thought I was safer by not eating a hot dog.. oh man.. i hate this feeling. yuk.

Well, I don't really know the purpose of this post! LOL! I guess I just had to get my worries off my chest before I try to go relax on the couch. Please cross your fingers for me. I don't think I have the energy to deal with this s*** right now.