Last time I ate this pasta, which is basically pasta with a powdered sauce in a packet, I woke up in the night and felt really really ill. I went to the toilet, thinking I was going to be sick, but kept just gagging. Euch, nasty experience.

Anyway, today I ate the exact same pasta for the first time since then, because I was round my friend's house, she offered it, and I knew I wasn't getting any other food, so I gladly accepted lol.

I do feel sick now, even though I haven't been worrying. I've kinda come to terms with the fact that it is possible i'm ill tonight, or I spend a lot of time dry heaving. I'm wondering if this does happen what the cause behind it could be? I often feel sick after eating bread and certain types of cheese (mozzarella because it's kinda harder and stringier than cheddar), not the kind of sick feeling I have every day, but more a sudden "going to be sick" kind of feeling.

It's been suggested I have sinus problems or allergies, because I have like post nasal drip, but it's annoying me. I think the most annoying part is the waiting. I'm always sick at night so i've spent a day preparing mentally for it to happen.Edited by: s0ccer_princess