So, in some other threads, people have discussed control as a possible issue in the reasons for being emetophobic. For me, it is true. I am wondering whether anyone else here besides me tries to control their body a lot.

For example, when I had IBS, I was constantly trying to control whether I would have to use the bathroom in a public place (due to embarrassment) by not eating. I guess this was kind of an emet anorexia, but it was about having diarrhea in a public place, so it was different. If I had to be out, no eating for me. Once I had to go to a college orientation weekend and stay in the dorms for three days, and I only had tiny bites to eat here and there, yet I was still petrified I would get an IBS attack, as the eating did not always control it anyway.

Then, there is coughing and sneezing. If I am around other people, I try very hard to control either one, and I will hardly do either if I am not at home by myself.

Also, if my stomach is growling, and I am in public, I will try to hold my breath because that makes the sounds less noticeable.

So, my point is that I try to control MANY aspects of my body, not just v. Is anyone else like this?