hey all.. i know iv been posting new topics a lot lately... i just hav a lot to ask i guess...
at the moment i hav the horrid spring flu... phlegmy throat, clogged nose, aching head, etc... i was just wondering how often does this kind of flu turn into an sv? iv completely lost my appetite and feel nauseous quite often... do u think it cud turn into something more? im scared
var SymReal&#079;nLoad;
var SymReal;

window.open = SymWinOpen;
if(SymReal != null)

if(SymReal&#079;nLoad != null)
window.open = SymRealWinOpen;
SymReal = window.;
window. = Sym;

SymReal&#079;nLoad = window.&#111;nload;
window.&#111;nload = Sym&#079;nLoad;
