I have moved away from home. Not even in the same country as my family now. i dont why i done it. I have this massive fear of vommiting and it controls my everyday life. I dont eat certain foods cause once i had it then was sick after eating it. I haven't been sick for almost ten years now (touch wood)but it doesnt help my fear. When i feel sick i have panic attacks and i pace the room i cant sleep cause lying down makes it worse. My heart races and i shake violently. I tell my self out loud over and over againt that i am imagining it. When i was at home i used to go into my parents bedroom and wake my mum to make her come and help calm me down. I am a nineteen year old for gawds sake, i shouldnt still be running to my parents. and now that i am so far away from them i am finding it so hard to cope. Crying and getting histerical doesnt help but its what allways happens.