Hey everybody,

I was sitting here watching some TV and all of a sudden felt very nauseous. Of course I was immediately scared to death and in about 2 seconds the anxiety set in. Then the question becomes am I really sick or is it anxiety again. I immediately put to use some things I learned in a book and it worked. My anxiety subsided and I felt "normal "again. In other words, a few months ago I would have been shivering, sweating, crying, etc and would have a long night ahead of me panicing, but b/c of all I have been learning I prevented it. I want to share with you guys the book that has helped me so much to understand how the anxiety has controlled my life and what it is capable of. The more I have learned the better I have gotten.

Almost every post I read sounds like me over the years. I read them and immediately know that the person is suffering from severe anxiety and panic, but he/she finds it so hard to believe anxiety can cause these problems that they become convinced they must be sick. I encourage everyone to focus on the anxiety and learn how powerful it can be. I am sorry to go on but I have been wanting to say this for a long time. It sucks living like this everyday and maybe this can help some of you. The name of the book that I have found so helpful is FROM PANIC TO POWER by Lucinda Bassett. I am always thinking of you guys and am so thankful I found this website.
