Ok, here's my story. Iam 18 years old and have suffered from emetophobia since I was 8. Iwas always obsessive about v*****, asking my parents a bunch of questions about it all the time. When I was 8, I got my first panic attack. I just rememberbeing sick, not even n****, but the thought that I could v**** scared me and I panicked. From then on, things just got worse.At 12, my therapist put me on paxil and that actually helped me for 5 years. When I was 14, I actually did v****, and that helped the phobia temporarily, but it came back. However, when I did v****, I wasn't even n**** beforehand, and it just creeped up on me. Never in my life have I just gotten n**** and v****. So, a couple months agoI got off paxil, and realized that my fear was really just a fear of the unknown. I was scared that the feelingof getting n****wouldcome on and I wouldn't know that it would lead to v**** because I had never v**** before when I felt that way. So, I decided to do some self-exposure therapy. I realized that my first fear was a fear of gagging. So, I took anativan and went in the bathroom and gagged myself. Immediately, I felt a wave ofburden off my shoulders. I cried that I had been scared of a stupid thing like gagging for so long. However, then my mind told me to just go get some ipecac andmake myself vomit. My mind argued that I had gagged and felt the feeling of vomiting and that itwasn't that bad, so I should just make myslefv*** and get it over with. So then I had to go on lexapro to get rid of the obsessive thoughts. Recently,my therapist has suggested exposure therepy cumilating inv***ing to combat this phobia. Making myself get n***** and v**** makes sense to me to combat this phobia because I believe my fear is just a fear of the unknown. I think that if I could just v**** a couple of times, I would feel better. Yes, I have v***ed before in my life, but I have never gotten n**** and v****ed. My question is: do you guys think ipecac would work? In my situation in particular of never having gotten n***** and v*****ed before. Making myself gag seemed to work. But will this? Thanks a lot.