Hi, I am new here. I just found this sight and couldn't believe there were other people in the worl like me. I was at work when I found it and yelled out to my Co-Workers that I wasn't insane afterall!

I am not one for chatting alot on here, but I wanted to share a wonderful prescription I received when I was pregnant. Its called Zofran and I am not sure if y'all are ware of it or not, but it actually blocks off the receptor in your stomach that triggers the brain to make you v* or have n*.

I adore it and don't leave home without it. I have also found a great immune support, called Transfer Factor. This is a wonderful idea about providing our bodies with antibodies found in cow colostrum. It is proven to increase your immune system to 400%. It has actually cleared up my skin condition "psoriasis" as well. I thought I would share these little "wonders" with you. They work great for me and I have been v* free for 6 years. Still a major emet though.

Thanks for all of the inspiring posts. Its so nice to know I am not alone out there and if you need any info on the above let me know! Thanks