I honestly do not know if that is the right name for my topic but I will try and explain and see if anyone can help me out.......I am a severe emet but my problems have suddenly become worse in the last few months.....I went from going places and having fun to only leaving my house to go to only places with drive thrus pretty much.......I am pretty sure it is called agoraphobic when you are scared to leave your house, scared of what the outside world might throw at you.....I honestly do not know what my next step to take should be I am only 21 and have been and emet since around age 2 or 3 it started then being scared to t* up then it escalated to being terrified and now I just do not know what to do ......I have a 2 year old daughter who I know my phobia effects....If anyone has any advise I would appreciate it tremendously!