so i have the flu. i've been sick since friday night. i thought that yesterday was the worst of it since i have a high fever all day and i was in bed all day. i was wrong. i felt just as bad today as i did yesterday. anyway, i'm really upset that i got sick. i do everything i can not to get sick. i constantly wash my hands. i avoid people who are sick and i drink lots and lots of fluids all the time and i still got sick. i've been sick for a few days now and i haven't v* but i am terrified that i am going to. my mom says that if i were going to v* i would have by now, but i'm not so sure. all i have been eating is soup for the last three days. my boyfriend bought me a can of chicken noodle from the store today, so i warmed it up and ate it. something made me look at the expiration date after i was done. it was 01/06. that freaked me out. i know that we are in 12/05, but to me that it cutting it way close. i've been in a panic ever since. it is bad enough that i have the flu and might v* now i have to worry about maybe being sick from a can of soup. my anxiety is really really bad right now. i'n scared that i might v*. i ate the soup at 11:00am and it is now 6:00p.m. i really don't feel hungry or anything. my stomach seems to be making some really strange noisesand it feelskind of funny.i'm just really really scared that i might v*. i don't know if i should eat anything. i'm just really really scared.[img]smileys/smilies_25.gif[/img]