Idont get this..i feel like i've been cursed. I feel sick every damn day at some point .I cant get a job cuz of it,i stay home all the time almost..its seriously ruining my life and im so sick and tired of it..i know its "all in my head" cause when i do actually feel sick..i never actually v*..and it just ticks me off so much cause im missing out on so much in life cause im sitting here scared of v*!!! just really pisses me off...and before i found this site, i had no idea i had emetophobia..i just thought i was going mental..and pretty much everyone else thinks i still am a nutcase..i no longer have control over controlls me..sometimes i just sit and cry and pray to god for this to go away..cause i really cannot take this anymore..i cant go to a therapist, cause i dont have the money for it..i've gotten so many books for panick attacks, anxiety disorders, phobias, but none of them really seems like im not going anywhere with guys are the only people who actually understand me.i really feel lie i have no life at all anymore...i miss my friends..i miss myself..i dont even know who i am anymore..i keep telling myself, that i wont be sick or ill be just never works for me..ahh geezz i am just sooo mad at myselfff...why cant i just get over thisss.