There has been something up with me for about two days but it isn't really any illness I've ever had before.

Yesterday all day long my stomach hurt SO bad, it kinda felt like sour stomach/heartburn, and it would like come and would get REALLY bad for a few minutes than kinda fade away all day. I took a few Zantac, some Mylanta and some pepto and nothing helped for more than an hour or so.

Last night I woke up with the same thing a few times but I toughed it out and didn't take anything. This morning I felt pretty nauseous a couple times but it quickly passed. My stomach feels like it needs to d* but I've only pooed a few times and it wasn't anything siginificant. I'm not very hungry, but trying to eat a little bit, and everytime i do my stomach starts gurgling like crazy, but I don't feel nauseous. I am also VERY tired. I've slept a ton since yesterday and just feel worn out. Does anyone know what this could be? Could it be a mild SV?