My 14 year old niece is an emet, it's so bad she can't go to school. Her mum has tried everything but the kids is really frightened and it's actually difficult to force a 14 year old into the building - which is what the school thinks she should do. Anyway, I think this site would be great for her, as she would realise that she's not the weirdo that some believe.

My concern though is where she would fit into the discussions, she is only a kid after all. Does anyone think it would be a good idea to have a teen forum where the younger site members could liaise and chat to each other? To discuss the issues which are real for them at their stage in life? It could still be moderated and they could obviously continue to post on all the other forums, but a little community of their own might be a more supportive environment.

Anyway, what do you think? Or are there major issues I'm overlooking here? I do tend to pick up ideas and run with them without necessarily thinking them through!