OK, this is something I've done for almost as long as I can remember, in order to convince myself that I'm not going to be s*, and after finding this forum, it got me to wondering if anyone else did it.

I've "categorized" every stomach pain, inkling, rumbling and uneasiness I've ever had that I can possibly remember. It's like Ihave a little roladex in my head that I flip through everytime I feel something in my abdominal area. I'll sit down, think back to the last time my stomach felt that particular way and come up with my previous assesment as to what was behind it. Like hunger or indigestion or anxiety. And once I know what happened or what caused it last time and that I came out of it without getting s*, I feel like I'm OK to not panic or like I can actually function because I'm not in danger of v*. I'll tell myself "OK, this is fairly common michelle. You had this three weeks ago and all it turned out to be was spicy pizza. You're going to be fine. You didn't get s* then, so you won't now."

I'm just wondering if this is just an individual quirk of my own, or if it's one of those things that other emets understand....