well.. sorry i've not been online for some time, i thought i was cured for a while! but alas, im starting to think not

i quit coming here shortly after i got a new job (a full time one ), i made some friends, and was out of the house every day hanging out with my friends, getting out the house really payed off.. for a while, still i over did my self :/

see, my friends - they tend to have been drinking a fair bit over the past few weeks, seeing as school broke out for the holidays, and most of the people i hang out with go to college/A-levels, alot of people had alot of free time :P

anyways, that resulted in booze, booze and more booze - i've never been much of a strong drinker (lightweight ftw), so i'd have about two or three pints, and then just enjoy the evening, while everyone eles drank there self silly.

but alas.. new years eve comes, and i go to this house party. was kinda cool for a while, till we started some drinking games. i already had 3 stella's and 2 JD shots, so i was buzzing already, and was not willing to risk being sick, so i went quickly for a ciggy outside :P (turns out my drink was spiked, into a heart attack special, which is about 50% JD and 50% beer. no wonder it messed me up ;P)

anyways! i return 5 mins later, and the game is still going on, so i sip away on my beer, but it tastes a bit funky (like, heart burning funky ).. but i ignored it, thinking that its highly possable that its just a long remaining after taste from the JD i had before. shortly its my turn in the drinking game, and i get really unlucky with the spinner, and end up having to drink my pint in 8 seconds. i tryed to avoid the situation, but i gave into peer preasure, so i chugged the full funky tasteing pint, and then rushed out for another smoke :P.

later that night, i just couldnt get any sleep, was in a house with like 20 people, and i just couldnt sleep, felt so ill - and alas, didnt get to sleep till 6am (and woken up at 8am -.-)

so i wake up, feeling real ruff due to one mega hangover, and being tired - but try and avoid the feeling and enjoy new years day. (which went will for a while).. ended up heading home at about 7pm, and right away jumped in bed and fell to sleep in a heart beat. (here comes the fun part -.-)

but alas, wake up 3 hours later due to a nightmare, was shakeing, had a headache and my throat was really dry. i try and ignore the feeling, and go back to sleep, only to wake up 2 hours later feeling even worse

now its a 3:41am and im sitting at the computer typing this out, hopeing that i wont be ill and have one really crap start towards the new year

so, i guess it turns out i wasnt so cured, because im freaking out like a mofo - and i figured from my previous past with you guys, you might be able to make this situation turn around and make me feel some what better

anyways, thanks in advance.Edited by: norrok