It's time like these that you people have no idea how much I appreciate
this site
This is really bad, I just am at the point where I am breathing somewhat
normal and I can type which is more than I can say for a few minutes ago.
I think the worst of this panic attack is over.

My emetophobia, fear of vomiting... omg.. so close!! .. it was bad..

The worst part is, I don't know if it was for real, if I had to face this thing
head on for real. You have no idea what that was like for me. I can't stop
crying right now. These panic attacks are horrible, I was doing so well,
why this?

It's 3:40am in the morning, woke my dad up, he was half a sleep, yelled
and shut the door on my face because I was crying. What was I suppose
to do? I'm the only one in the house besides him right now and NO ONE is
on msn. I'm scared to call my mom after what my dad just did. I have five
siblings and now what good are they that I can't call them?

This must seem so stupid to you guys, but I swear just writing through
this is really helping. I don't care who reads it, I am just scared out of my

Who the heck do you go to for something liket his? I have nver felt so
alone than to go through something liket his. If you've ever had a panic
attack before you'll know what thsi is all about. I can't think rationally, I
feel like the world is over, start breathing fast, feel light headed, start
shaking profusely and then be so lucky so as to have a place like this to
go to and then it passes.... *breath* it's starting to pass.

Does this mean that urg to vomit that I woke up with 20 minutes ago was
not real? Or is it just going to come back?

I hate night time, this is when the phobia hits me the worst, I feel so

I'm just thinking over my day, I ate a chicken sandwich at about 10:30am
- you hear so many bad things about chicken, this could have set it off
tonight. I also remember eating apple crisp at about 3:30pm, it was from
the weekend. Is that bad? Could any of these two concerns cause
someone to get sick? Or is it just in the head? (I'm kinda hoping you'll say
that last one) I can't even believe I'm hoping this is all in the head. This
phobia is messed up. Please tell me it's all in the head!

I'm scared..Edited by: valleymist