so my boyfriends neice is always affectionate and last night she kissd me on the lips gooniight, i gave her a big hug and gave her kisses on her face. she went to sleep and the v* twice in her sleep, without waking up. her aunt said that she said her tummy hurt, but just in passing... she was running around, then said "my tummy hurts" and then kept running. she didnt seem sick at all. after the second time she v*, her aunt took her downstairs and she hung out with us.. about a half hour later sh was asking for chocolate milk, drinking water and juice, eating crackers and pretzels. she was also running and jumping around. she didnt v* again. then this morning, she was fine, asking for pancakes and sausage. she ate and was fine, being her normal self. do you think she has a sv*? do yout hink i could get sick???????? HELLPPPP