hey everyone...its so cool to know im not crazy, and there are other people out there who have this same problem....i dont even know why i feel like this. the last time i got sick was about 10 years ago, and have not come close since. last year my husband got food poisining, and he got very sick...we lived in a small apartment, and i could her everything. i was really freaking out. also, his fried ryan was over, and they were drinking. a while after that, his friend was getting sick outside on my porch. i refused to let him come inside...there have been other instances where ive been exposed to sickness...like my mom mixing codine and brandy...then getting sick, my uncle drinking too much...
my sister came over for the superbowl, and was drinking. and i know that she usually gets sick when she drinks (thank God she didnt this time)...but i was still nervous she would...she knows about me being afraid of it, so she teases me about it, like saying shes going to.

i really hate this, being scared of something so dumb....if im afraid of v* then why am i not afraid of boogers, ar any other type of bodily function/fluid. i try to tell myself that its just food. but its just so gross.
i am addicted to mint gum...i have to have a peice all times. especially right after i eat. its not like im going to get nausea, but it just makes me feel better.
it sucks so bad. i can not wait to have kids and be pregnant, but of course, the only thing holding me back is the fear of getting sick....
when i stop and think about it, its just so stupid to be afraid of something like this, but i am, and i need to get over it.

its awesome to know that im not the only one, and have someone who understands to talk to about it.