when I was a kid, there was one book I LOVED. I must have read it100 times. I was probably 10 when i read it.

I can't, for the life of me, think of the name of the book. it was about some wacky school and all the wierd things that happened in one class. Its chapters described stories about each child in the class and how wacky and wierd he/she was.

I remember chapter there was a chapter 12, and a chapter 14, but no chapter 13, because the school didnt have a 13th floor or something.

it was such a great book, and if any of you have any clue what Im talking about, could you please help me out? ( for some reason "upside down" school rings a bell, but I know thats not right because I did a search for it and I cant find it)

I just wanted to add thats its not the magic school bus!Edited by: Babydoll