Expression of the subconcious. Every night somewhere on the planet, everythin that has, will or could be is dreampt..

so what does the state of my dreams right now say about my subconcious?
Ive had at least 3 or 4 puke dreams this week, one really bad one.

This one was about my mother.. she was lying on the sofa in my parents house.. the way it used to be arranged, n there were puke stains everywhere.. I didnt see or hear anything but somehow it was the scariest feeling in the world.
It felt so REAL! so totally n completely genuine.. n my dreams arent often realistic like that.. except when theyre clairvoyant.. (This sounds so stupid... n it hasnt happened to me for a lot of years) but I did used to have them- predictive dreams, accurate to the last detail. I dont believe theres ne magic involved, my mind just saw the current situ, n predicted what might happen next.. everyone does it from time to time, clairvoyants just predict more acurately somehow.
Neway.. this dream wasnt clairvoyant.. theyre usually correct in all details, n part of the setting was wrong in this one. But God.. I cant get over the.. realism..

I guess the only good point is its given me a reason to fight emet- in everyday life Ive gotten to the point of not caring, but I dont want this mental virus in my dreams.