
Well, today me and hubby went to visit my Gramma, and it went pretty
good. I was feeling kind of yuck tho cause its the 2nd day of my
period. While I was there at the nursing home where my Gramma is at, we
ate some from the cafeteria they had there. I just had a salad. Well,
about an hour or so after we ate I started feeling kind of sick, and it
was getting on time to leave anyways so me and hubby left, and man a
little after on the way home I really thought I was going to v*. Man
talk about not a good time to be in the car. William was really good
though, he said it wouldn't bother him if I did get sick. I did get
feeling better, but now I still feel kind of off in the guts. I didn't
eat hardly anything today, and I figured a salad would be mild. I just
hate not knowing why when I feel real sick. It could be because of my
period, though I'm not sure. Its odd cause now I don't have cramps
really or anything, my stomach just feels still sick some. Ugh I really
hate close calls. Just scares
the pants off of you! [img]smileys/smilies_11.gif[/img]

Edited by: Galadriel