Well, this happened on Valentine's evening...but i am alittle late in posting this.....anyway....I stopped by the grocery store after work...b/c my husband requested I make lasagna that night....so i was going down the aile's and getting my stuff....i saw this older man looking at the soups.....and he was just carrying a basket....i didn't see what was in the basket at first...then i heard him talking into like a cell phone i guess...but i could hear a woman talking too.....so anyway he goes...........mam mam...can you tell me where the cup of soup is? And i was like sure....so i was looking and couldn't find it...and noticed in his basket was a big bottle of ginger ale...............so you know what was up with that....and then i heard the woman start talking again saying well just get the such and such she would just drain the noodles off it and try to drink the broth later if she could.[img]smileys/smilies_10.gif[/img]I just know she had the sv!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I rushed off that ailse so fast....it was sooooooooooooo ridiculous really of me to freak out...but as i was checking out in line i was looking for that man, but never saw him.....But of all the people in the world for him to ask...me of all people.....i just thougt wow...just my luck for that night........i tried not to let it ruin my evening.