My grandma took my husband, my sister and me out to dinner tonight. We went to a Mexican restaurant, and although I like Mexican food, it tends to upset my stomach. Usually, I take a Zantac before I eat it and I am fine. Well, being pregnant, I didn't want to take anything. I also am recovering from a pretty nasty IBS attack over the past couple of days, so I know my stomach is a little on the skiddish side.

I was debating all day whether or not to eat or just to go for the company. I decided to eat (and it did taste good) but now I keep worrying. On top of worrying about indigestion and IBS, I am scared of getting food poisoning or a sv from eating there. I don't usually worry about that, so I feel like I am slipping backwards. It's like I just know that some how, some way the food is going to make me sick. I am so tired of worrying about stupid things like this!