i'm new here but i was soooo relieved when i came upon this site, it has been so nice to know there are other people that feel like i do. well, my daughter, 1 1/2, v* in bed this morning (she sleeps with me!) i'm a single mom so i HAD to deal with it. i was freaking!! (i still am) i called my grandmother and she came over to help, my family is pretty sensitive to my emet. she v* 3 more times before she fell asleep at noon for 2 hours. she has no d* (yet) but i'm pretty sure it's an sv b/c my sister and neice had an sv early last week and i finally felt ok enough to have them over yesterday...and now this happens! i'm scared to death b/c i know i'm gonna have it next! my anxiety level is through the roof right now i can't even eat. i just need some words of support and advice! thank you...wish me luck [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img] ~*Jacque*~