I hope y'all are'nt tired of hearing my nonsense, if so, tell me and I will leave, Im just so......I dont know, happy to find this?? Alot of things been rolling 'round in my head, its just I want to say so much since I really have never had anyone to talk to about this. Like for one, the show "Fear factor", i hate the show, but I love it. The only good thing they do is show the girls doing stunts in water. In case you havent figured it out, I love to see a girl get totally soaked with all her clothes on, like jeans and everything. Im not talking to see through (for me, the more clothes, the better), but seems as if all the good stuff has bad in it, have I lost ya yet? Like to see such stuff on that show, look what all ya have to see to get to a good stunt. Another place is pool parties, but alot of folks get sick there too from alcohol. and any good waterpark that youd really see someone get soaked at has the rides that can make you (or others) get sick. Aughhh! Whats a guy to do? Well, now that Ive totally bored everyone, I shall peace out.