I'm so sorry to post something like this as my first topic, but I am scared out of my mind here and have no support whatsoever. This may be graphic to some.

I had really awful d* for two and a half days. I thought it was either a food allergy or something else, but it gave me chills and body aches too, so at the end I was definitely thinking some type of sv* (maybe rotavirus). I have no idea where I caught this. I was not n* at all really and did not v*, in fact I was eating solid food during the worst of the illness.

I definitely fear myself v*ing more than others, but today I am terrified. My parents both woke up with this illness. I came into their bedroom today and found my mother home from work, which she never does, and she looked terrible. She lied to me at first, saying she didn't v*, but when I saw a roll of paper towels out in their bathroom I knew the worst had happened. She finally admitted that she did v* once and had many bouts of d*.

My father has been n* all day and "can't v*" whatever that means. He only had d* once or twice.

Now, it's pretty obvious that I got this and spread it to them, but do you think it could either "come back" and hit me with v*ing, or could I become infected from them and get this again? I feel good today for the first time in almost three days, but I am TERRIFIED.

I am receiving an award on Sunday and have been waiting all year to go to the award ceremony. Now I'm thinking "Oh, GREAT, it'll come back and I'll v* when I'm on stage in front of 500 people!". I have SO many exciting and wonderful things I need to do this Saturday and Sunday and I just can't do this anymore. Do you think I'm immune now? My rational side is saying yes....

I am so miserable right now- not because I feel bad, but because everyone in my house is sick at the same time. I have no support system, only this horrible atmosphere of gloom and illness surrounding me. I feel so bad for infecting them and selfish for thinking only of myself and my phobia right now. My father keeps wandering around pale and miserable, complaining about how much he feels like v*ing, and I feel like I am losing my mind.

I'm alone right now- sort of hiding in my room. It is so weird to go through this- usually when I have an emet experience someone else is there to talk to me, but I feel even more terrified being here by myself, not able to even talk to my parents because they are either complaining about their illness or being ill.

Edited by: csjones