I'm feeling surprisingly upbeat today. I'm just in a really great
mood, no worries - this is the first time in as long as I can remember
that my emet hasn't bothered me all day! And that shocks me
because my neighbor didn't go to school today, so I called her to see
if she and her son wanted to take a walk with the girls and I. She
said she was up all night, she thinks she thinks she had fp but it could
be a virus. And it didn't make me feel worried! I took the girls for a
walk, it's going to be about 60 degrees today, and we'll probably take
another walk this afternoon. The daffodils are coming up, the
dogwoods are budding - spring is on it's way!! I feel almost giddy
that the warm weather is right around the corner.

There are so many things for us to be positive about, things to be
happy about. So use this thread as a place to talk about the GOOD
things you're thinking about. Maybe we can all help someone that's
having a bad day think some good thoughs to help them through.