
Well this is my first message on the IES forums, but it's not going to be
something very cheerful. So what got me writing is this horrible thing that
happened to me last week. I'll get straight to the point.


I was on my way to college. I live in Paris and have to take the subway
every single day to go places around here (mostly college). So there I was
in the metro, minding my own business, reading Paul Auster. Then, all of
a sudden, through the screeching noise of the wheels and tracks, I hear
this evil sound of something liquid splatter against the ground. My
emetophobic reflex sort of gave me the idea of what that was going to be,
but I had to look to make sure. My worst fear came true. And it was right
there in front of me. In this monstrous puddle. I saw this lady on her seat,
bending over and doing it. Just like that. As if it were something as
normal as rubbing an itching eye or something. As if the place were
meant for her to do THE DEED.

I thought I would follow, but I didn't (and I'm so glad, I didn't). I was
frozen. I wanted to run, but my mind was busy contemplating what it had
just seen. I was so angry. I wanted to cry. Why couldn't she just get off at
one stop and do it? There's not even a minute's distance between 2
stations. Why did she just have to make others' lives miserable? Some
people just don't care...

This image has been haunting me for over a week now. Its hard for me to
even let a moment pass by without thinking about it. We humans are
crazy. We think most about things we loathe. Although I try to tell myself
that throwing up is part of our life, I just can't get myself to accept it. It's
weird to be afraid of a bodily function...

I just had to share this. Like we all know, emetos are not always
surrounded by fellow-emetos (atleast not in my case...). I hope this will
help. I feel bad for the (poor) sick lady I hated so much. I was too lame, to
angry and too emetophobic to help her. Other people around her did help
her out though. I can't figure how! As for me, I finally mustered up the
courage to run out. I walked my way home.

Thats all from me. See you around.

P.S. Glad to be a part of these Forums! You all seem great!