I've been dealing with the phobic nature of this whole thing for the past few months, and after explaining to my parents, printing off the info sheet on this site, and ALL of it.. my mother, in particular, is getting exhausted by it all, and annoyed.

After lots of weight loss, excessive "i feel hot feel my head"'s, constant worries about food gone bad, or eating out, or washing hands(they are particularly upset with the hand washing!)... they arefinally at this point starting to yell at me.

Again, my dad is more accepting of it than my mother. She goes just about bonkers with it all. She wants to send me away somewhere! Thinks i'm a LOON!

It is all such a negative atmosphere, and it truly does make me feel awful. Because its not like I already wish I could not let this stuff bother me so much, and on top of it all be snapped at by my mom constantly.

Do any of you have parents or family who get truly upset/ticked off/sad/annoyed by you because of this? My mom cries over me constantly. I can hear her sobbing in the living room right now because I made my dad feel my head!

Oh geez. She just came in here and was bawling. She said "look at you" and pointed to my arms and how skinny they've gotten, and the roughness on my hands... she said 'everyday its something new for you..everyday you're worried about something new'.... 'i cant stand to see you do this to yourself.. you act like there is nothing wrong'

it is breaking my heart. i know i have this problem. but its new. and ive been making strides. and she cant see it. ijaogaoigaodijaogij

Ugh[img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img] Edited by: liz28