So this seems really stupid, but I still have to ask. I just made myself some alfredo noodles for lunch and poored myself a glass of juice. The juice was in the refigerator, still sealed, and the date was fine. This is the kind of juice that really doesn't even need to be refrigerated until it is opened. And I was the first person to open it. Anyway, I was eating my noodles, whicih tasted completely normal, and I went to take a sip of the juice. It had a really funny taste to it. I assumed it was just not mixing well with the alfredo sauce (you know how some things are like that). I was on the phone with my mom at the time, so I kept eating and drinking the juice, even with the bad taste. Then when I had hung up, and had already drank about 2/3 of the glass, I realized just how bad it tasted. I dumped the rest out, but now I am worried that it will make me sick. I feel fine now, but I don't want it to come back and get me later. I really don't know how it would have been bad since it wasn't opened and didn't even need to be refrigereated. It wasn't one of my favorite flavors either, my husband has bought it a couple of times because he likes it, but it was all we had so I just decided to drink it. He isn't home or I would have him taste it to see if it tastes bad. Do you think it was bad or just a bad mix of flavors? I am afraid to try anymor to see if it really is bad because if it is, I don't want to put anymore in my body!