Hey Guys, I don't know if you guys knew, but I was having a pretty rough time deciding on what I wanted to major in and eventually pursue as a career. I am only a freshman...well sophmore now, and I know it's a little early to start thinking about all of that, but I felt like I had to make a decision now, or at least be on the right path. See, I started college as a Mass Media and Art major. (Our college requires double major.) Then I found I wanted to major in Spanish instead of art, and it only made sense because I love the language and I have been studying iteveryyearsince I was in the 7th grade. Anyway, a while after, I realized that my college's mass media program didn't have exaclty what I had in mind of doing. They have more emphasis on print media such as newspaper writing and things, and I really didn't want to do that. I was more into the radio, television, film aspect of the whole thing. I went to a special high school and a lot of the programs we had were so much more advanced than the ones they offered at my college. I didn't want to waste money on something that I had already learned, you know? So, then, I had always wanted to be a teacher, but had always feared it for the obvious reason. I was afraid of students getting sick. But then I realized I was letting the phobia take the reins and pull, which I didn't want it to do anymore. So, I am thinking about changing my major to education. I am almost certain that I want to be a Spanish teacher, but then again, I think it would also be interesting to teach art. Then part of me says: "pre-school teacher" I LOVE kids, and I think it would be fun, minus the sick part....I mean, I spent a day in a day care center and was on edge the whole time becauseI was afraid one of the kids would be sick....but I still LOVED it!! I mean, I really got along with the kids and I loved playing with them! But the emet thing really bothers me.So basically I am all over the place right now.

Just a week ago I took a career test (Strongs)and it said I was an SAE. (A Social, Artist, Enterprising.) Which basically means that I would enjoy careers interacting with people and in the arts. Almost all of the careers that matched were teacher. High school teacher, English Teacher, Child Care Professional, and the MOST interesting thing was that FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHER HAD THE PERFECT MATCH: SAE!!!!!!!! See, they match up your interests based on others in different professions, and the ONLY career which had SAE on it was Foreign Language teacher!!!!!!! The lady said they letters didn't have to be in order, but it only means a better match if they are! SO I am thinking: WOW!!!! Is this really what I am meant to do??? Some of the careers also listed were social worker, and commercial artist. They said I was an extrovert and I got my energy from other people. Which, I thought was strange since I have social anxiety. But then my therapist explained it a little better to me.

Anyway, now I am thinking: should I be a Spanish teacher? But then when I told a friend of mine what I wanted to do, he laughed and said: WOW! I mean, an Indian Spanish Teacher...that's a bit outrageous....and that made me feel like a joke. I mean who WOULD hire an Indian Spanish teacher?? Am I being stupid?? GRRR!!I wish he hadn't said that!!!!! It was bothering me the whole time I was with him. He tried to smooth it over and make it sound like he thought it was cool and ambitious of me to want to do that profession, but the words were still said, and they hit me hard. So now, I'm confused again.....

By the way, I am thinking of taking some broadcasting classes on the side at the community college to get a job in that to help pay tuiton. I still love doing it and I have some skill, so why not use it?

[b]I feel like I want to do something different every week! I feel like a kid