I am just wondering what you guys are hearing about sickness in your area. I think things are dying down here, but then I got an e-mail last night from a friend of mine whose wife had a baby last week. They got a "bad virus" as he said in his e-mail to me, while they were at the hospital having their baby!!!! As much as I hate them having this, I hope that they got it because maybe an expectant mom got hospitalized with one. Even still, I dont know why they would put a sick one on the same ward with the moms and babies. I would hope that no one would be stupid enough to come to work sick, or bring sick people to the hospital to visit a new baby/mom. The Womans wing is seperate from the hospital, they even have their own OR. Apparently some stupid person went to the OB unit sick. Could have even been a nurse, how awful!!!! I hope their baby stays well!!!!