It started when I was about five or so, for some reason, I dont know
why- I constantly felt sick. Like I was going to throw up. Anyhow, this
went on for the later part of my kindergarden year, and seemed to get
worse. In the beginning, I remember feeling sick on occasion during the
night, progressing to every night, and then pretty much all the time.
But it got worse and worse till sometime in early summer, when I
finally threw up. In the few days previous to that, I was afraid to
eat, use the bathroom, and I tilted my head onto my left shoulder all
the time. But after that I have always been emetophobic. I think it has
gotten worse as time moved on, because now when someone gets sick-
Well, the last time it was my brother at a hotel, I sat outside in the
bushes till about Midnight when my parents made me come inside, where I
hid on one side of the bed shaking all night (since it was in the
hotel, my brother and I had to share a bed) In the ten hour car ride
home the next day I hid beneath all the suitcases we had...

But yeah, I have some pretty weird habits that must be related to this,
one is that I will never eat what my fingers have tounched, like, If i
eat a fry or something, the very end I'll just not eat at all. I'll
also eat everything with a fork- never fingers.

When someone get's sick, I'll cover my ears, close my eyes, start
breathing funny, whimpering (because if I scream... I'll really be in
for it with my dad), and walking in circles. But when I feel sick
myself I do weird things like look for patterns and count very small
things, which usually will hold me off for a couple of hours.

Anyways, I hate being emetophobic, I have been for seven years. Evilness indeed.