First I gotta say, how's everyone doing?? I know i haven't been around in a while, I went back to work and I am on midnights so my sleeping is all screwed up!! Anyway, I went to the doctor yesterday to have my stent taken out, and I found out that I will need surgery again on my kidney. This time I have to have litrotripsy. I have a 6mm stone in my bad kidney and I have to get it removed before it tries to pass on its own, then I will have to get another stent put in. Why does my luck suck so bad when it comes to my heath?? This will be my 5th freakin surgery on the same damn kidney. I hate this. I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired!!!

Sorry for the rant, just very upset, but I was wondering if anyone has ever had lithrotripsy and how did it work for you?

