So ive tried to hold back as long as possible to ask for advise/support tonight but its now 5am and im feeling really rather fed up with this.

I ate vegetables (cooked) and chips for my dinner,before I had a packed of pickeled onion crisps that I probably should have vecause of the flavouring in them usually upsets my stomach, I have now been feeling n* for about 2-3 hours Im getting tired and my stomach is quite sore with some gas in it.

I am a little worried that I may v*,I am alone as I usually am at the weekends,the weather is absolutly horrible out there at the moment snowing ect,so if something went wrong I dont really have any one to call or to come see me as my mother is about 40miles away at the moment [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]

So my anxiety is picking up im trying to ignore it deep breaths ect but just tht little thought in the back of my head "what if" ect...

I really am looking for words of encouragement ect and that it wont happin.

I feel that because I am alone my anxiety is going to become slightly worse as the morning goes on,to be honest I can feel it starting at the moment due to my head thinking things over,as hard as it is to stop you know.

So if anyone out there has the time id really really really appreciate the help

