My son has just had the yuckiest, most germy day of his life. This morning he dipped a cup in the toilet and took a big gulp while I was shampooing my hair! There wasn't anything in it but water, but's a dirty toilet! Then he licked the door on a clothes dryer at the laundromat, then ate a bite of pizza off the floor when it fell out of his mouth also at the laundromat, and he's been licking his hands and putting his fingers in his mouth ALL DAY. I am freaking out that he'll start puking any minute. That toilet thing is really scaring me. It was kinda funny at first (you have to have a sick sense of humor to raise a toddler and remain sane) but now it's got me worried.

Also, any of you moms have sons that you have potty-trained? I thought my son was ready, so I bought him some Pull-Ups and he has 2 potties. But he won't tell me when he has to go, and when I do ask him he always says yes but just sits on the potty and does nothing. And now he's into this phase where when I put him in his crib at night and leave him alone to go to sleep, he strips naked - diaper, socks, and all! And if I don't catch him in time he pees in the bed! Once it was not only pee...and itwas 4 AM....I wanted to die. I'm getting so frustrated. How can I get him to pee in the potty? And how can I make him keep his clothes on at night (without duct-taping his diaper to him, lol)? I can't watch him all night long...if he wakes up, he strips! Help!