This past week was spring break for me and I overcame a great cause of my emet - traveling with my son. On Monday my son and I drove ALONE for 4 hours to stay overnight with my grandparents. When I decided to go a couple days before the trip, I just refused to let myself think about it because I knew I'd talk myself out of going. Then Monday came, and we went through hell to get on the road (overslept, got baby a haircut, then baby drank some cold medicine in his diaper bag and had to go to the ER, call poison control!...he's fine though) but I was determined to go so I could prove to myself that I could do it. So it was midday by the time we finally left. We got about halfway there and my belly started hurting so bad...I called my mom and she told me maybe its just gas, just stop at a restroom or something. I told her I might turn around and come back home. But I started feeling better, I did just need a restroom break. We finally got to my grandparents' house and I'm very proud to say that I had NO panic attacks, not even when I woke up in the middle of the night. The only emet thing I did was that I didn't eat dinner after that stomach-upset on the road. But I was not scared, just cautious.

YAY FOR ME! I'm anxious to travel again to see if I am really and truly cured of my fear of being sick away from home. I loved travel before I was an emet, so this would be a great recovery for me.