
I really need some help, everybody needs but you see i tough i
was the only one with this sintoms and fear of vomit, guess im
not, and im thankfull that somebody can help me coz i think im on the
edge of comiting suicide. I can`t take this anymore... can`t live like
this forever... my fear wont go away. My history is like this:

From 2 years from now, i`ve been feeling these things like panic
atacks coz of my emetophobia i guess... i can`t sleep coz im always
thinking that im going to get sick...

in fact i feel nauseas, and my stomag if u know what i meen sorry
for my english i don`t write so well, my stomag feels bad... i take
valeriana pills, teas, pills that u take in trips for not geting seek,
i`ve taked also sleeping pills, and stuff like that, and im always
feeling seek... but i never throw up...and i can`t have dinner anymore
and i can`t get out at night coz at night it gets worst. An other
problem its that i smoke, and its not good for me coz sometimes it gets
really worst, but i can`t stop smoking, its so hard for me...i try but
i just can`t... I`ve made blood tests and ecographys and stuff
and nothing, i went to a psichologist for several months and she told
me that the best i could do to see if i have an ulcera or really
something in the stomag is an endoscopy... and that believe me i don`t
have courage for that... im steel in doubts about if its a desease or
its just my nervous system or really emetophobia.... please if u know
anything that can solve my problem i would be so thankfull... i`ve been
to many doctors and other metods of medicine like, chinese medicine...
the chinese medicine doctor said to me that i had an nervous ulcera but
i really don`t know coz for knowing that i need and endoscopy
exame... and about ulceras how can i beat an ulcera anyway? i cannot
take this out of my mind im always thinking in throwing up, its so
stupid... i got some books about stomag deseases but they only
talk about sintoms and that , and i don`t know what to do...

i`ve read something about if u think so much about having a
desease you start to get one... the brain its such a devil machine...
mental health its so important in this case... thank you***** [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]

ps: a little bit of humor, maybe the only doctor who can help us its doctor House...[img]smileys/smilies_05.gif[/img]