Well as you know im quite new here and posted a post the other day, i felt like giving up and couldnt cope anymore. For 2 years i havn't been able to eat very well as my fear of V got so bad, for the past 6 months or so all i ate was biscuits. Yesterday i couldn't take the pain anymore and i made myself eat 2 biscuits in the morning a bowl of rice and tuna for lunch and 2 more biscuits with my tea at night. I woke up this morning thinking i couldnt go through it again as it was quite painfull on my stomach, but i thought if i give up now it would just be worse when i try eat again, so i thought no i must eat, i made myself eat 2 biscuits, a bowl of cereal, then at lunch two bits of toast. For 6 hours i have had a stomach ache and have been heaving so much, but whats weird is when im heaving being sick dosnt scare me as what i did is took my maxalon before i ate which what it has done is push's everything out my stomach so there isn't anything to be sick on. I must admit the pain is bad, but i feel happy at the same time as i know that im doing it, so thank you maxalon lol (i hope) i just had an ice lolly which made me heave further but if you leave it i think it makes it worse. I think its more the lead up of feeling sick which people are scared of as when i acctuly feel like im about to throw up and heave i feel a lot better.