Okay, I know I shouldn't be watching this crap, but its actually entertaining and I realize most, if not all, of it is not real. I like these shows cause they are kind of cheesy and funny. I always like the "whose the daddy" ones.

the other night maury did a show on phobias. I was absolutlely disgusted in the way he portrayed these people. For starters, most of the people he picked were afraid of really ODD things. Mustard, pickles, balloons, and so on. The only really "normal" one was of a woman who was afraid of dogs.

He brought them out one by one and asked them many questions about why they were afraid, which sturred (sp?) up their anxiety. Then, BAM , out of nowhere, he would bring out the thing they were afraid of, with no warning, like it was supposed to "help" them. The people with phobias reacted by running around, screaming, crying, it was horrible. This was obviously done to get a rise out of the audience, because the audience thought it was halarious.This is NOT how you make someone face a fear. Its cruel and not funny in the least.

After this was done to each guest, he brought out a "success coach" ( no PhD tohis name, either) who claimed he could cure them in an hour. while this guy did know a tiny bit of pyschology, it was no more than I could have learned in my very first year of intro pysch.

So, aparently it worked. all the guests at the end actually held the things they were afraid of, and displayed no fear.


I have no doubt this was entirely put on, but it made me very very angry. It was like they were downplaying a fear, and putting on a freak show. I felt sorry for these people, if they actually had fears.

anyways I just felt like posting all this. I'm SO mad!

Edited by: Babydoll