I don't really know what is going on with him. It started on Saturday night. We took his little brother to the bowling alley and he ate a piece of his brother's pizza. About an hour after that, his stomach started to hurt. He has a problem with red sauce (pizza, spaghetti, etc.) so we assumed it was just that. He didn't feel well all night, had some d*, stil wasn't feeling great Sunday morning, but felt better by late morning. He ate lunch at home and was fine, then we went out to dinner. He had chicken fried chicken, and started feeling bad again. I went out with my family, and he stayed home. When I got home, he was already in bed, but told me that he was feeling a little better, but was really gassy. This morning he said he was feeling better, but I just talked to him and now he feels bad again. He said he feels like v*. I told him yesterday he should call a doctor for a new precription for Prevacid, but he hasn't because he is thinking it is just a bug. Does this sound like a bug? It has come and go over the past few days, he has eaten plenty, had a little bit of d* but not bad, and so far kept everything down.

He also felt like this about a week and a half ago after he ate a hamburger (I had one too and felt fine). He said he thought the meat was bad. I know he won't call the doctor, but I am thinking about calling for him. He has a hietal hernia, whicih may be acting up for all I know. Of course I am panicked now that it is a sv, but if it were, would it keep coming and going like this? He said that he kept burping and it tasted nasty yesterday morning after the pizza. I'm not sure what he feels like now. We are both at work and it is difficult to talk about symptoms like that when other people are around. He does sound awful though - much worse than he has the last couple of days. Do you think it is a sv or something else? Please help! I am starting to freak out! I've done well all weekend thinking it was just indigestion, but now I am scared.