Sorry this is so long but its important to me.. please read

Ok well to start off I would just like to say that I've been an emet for my whole life, or at least back until i can remember. I went through elementary school eating lunch in a room by myself and skipping recess to help teachers grade papers so that i could avoid as many germs as possible. I went through high school with a little more ease but i still took precautions to try to avoid getting sick.

I gave birth to a gorgeous little girl a little over a year after i graduated. My emet seemed somewhat under control until she got a stomach virus last january of 05. she v* every 5 minutes for almost 5 hours until we finally took her to the hospital and then it started to taper off a little. her sv lasted for a little less than 24 hours but ever since then my emet has kicked into high gear.

I can not even go on living a normal everyday life because i'm afraid of everything. My daughter is being held back from so many different things because i'm afraidof her being exposed to a virus. I don't have a job because i'm afraid to send her to daycare, i don't take her to play with other kids because i'm afraid they're all contaminated with some type of illness. I wash her hands after every little thing she touches andif i have to take her to the doctors she gets a fullscrub-downafterwards.

Everyday I wake up in fear that i am going to have some type of sv. I rarely eat anything besides bread and crackers because i try to keep my stomach as acid free as possible. I only drinkwater or ginger ale because i'm afraid anything else will upset me. I constantly havesome type of stomach problem such a n*, d*, cramps, acid reflux, or gas. I never feel normal.

It's becoming such a serious problem because it's even affecting myrelationship with my fiance. I'm literally afraid to kiss him because he doesn't care about getting sick and isn't careful when it comes to germs. I won'teven share food with my daughter in case sheis carrying some type of virus. I really want to be able to live a normal (or at least somewhat normal) life, but this emet is taking over me.

I've been visiting with a therapist for a little over a month now and it doesn't seem to be helping out too much yet. I was just curious if there wasanyone else who has emet this severely?! I literally think its making me anorexic because of myfear to eat. I'm 5'4 and weigh 102. Anyone else like this? Please tell me...