This adds to the saga from the other day when parents sent sick kids to BOTH of my childrens' schools.

This morning I am taking my daughter to school and one of the moms, who was leaving after dropping her children off, stuck up a conversation with me. She mentionedthat she had a rough night because the kids were v** on and off - first one and then the other. I turned around and gave her a lookthat could have made swiss cheese of our her. Then I said "What the hell is wrong with you?" (I can't believe I said that to an almost complete stranger.) Her answer was "What do you mean?"

After that stupid remark from her, I went in for the kill. After telling her about germ spreading and taking miserably sick kids to school, she had the nerve to tell me that the kids just have a little virus - no big deal. She said that by the afternoon they will probably be fine. I told her that they may not be and that they are infecting all of the children in both classes, which in turn will spread it through the school. She told me that I had a lot of nerve talking to her like that.

With that said, I marched my little keister right into the school, told them in the principal's office and then I paraded right to the nurse. I gave them the name of both children and said "I'll stand here while you go yank them out of class and call their mother." One child was already at the nurse for guess what? v***. The nurse was on my side 100% and said they will send a notice, by e-mail, to all the parents reminding them not to send sick kids to school.

How do you say "Dips**t mother?" By the way, the mother is a physician.

Excuse me while I really go spit nails.
