Hi all,

If you know me you know that my other half works nights on Friday and Saturdays. My 14 year old niece has to come over on those nights so I am not on my own with my kids incase they V*. (one is 3 and a half and the other 8 months.)

Anyway. I just spoke to my sister in law. (My nieces mum). She said that her son (my nieces brother) was up last night and V* 3 times.

WHAT DO I DO. Do I have my niece over as usual and risk her having what he has and giving it to my kids. Or do I not have her over and risk being here on my own if my kids v*??????? As it was my son loves a ham sandwich for breakfast but this morning he spat it out and didnt eat any more. He has been at nursery all day and they havnt phoned to tell me that he is ill.

WHAT SHALL I DO? In November my niece was over and got up on the Saturday morning and V* on our rug in the lounge. When I spoke to her mum (my sister in law) she had told me that her brother had done it the night before. Will my niece V* or have a bug to give my kids or not??????

I don't know what to do. I can't be here by myself and I dont want my kids catching anything. I am in such a bad place at the moment.

Can anyone give me some help.


Love Karen (Pookey30)