i am torn over it.

sometimes i think this place isnt beneficial.
i dont think its promoted wellness in my life..
my mom thinks i feel WORSE after reading all the posts.
and i dont think i've ever walkd away from this site feeling any better about anything. just maybe a temporary relief after someone saying "oh ive had that. its nothing".. but yet you still come back in a week with something new.

it seems to be good for newbies who feel less insane for being scared of a bodily function. but otherwise.. all you do is hear about people being ill! all you do is hear about sv outbreaks in towns, or "do i have this? agh!"

othertimes its such a relief to hear posters reply to you with kind consoling words when you ate a sandwich that didnt agree with you, or when you freaked out after being around someone ill.

i just dont know.
im torn as to whether i should force myself to stop coming here.
it really has seemed to become a habit.

if by chance you know of anyone who has left the boards
... what was the outcome?
did they feel entirely better?