I just got a call that I have a job interview on thursday!! I am so excited! But I'm nervous too, I'd really like to work at this place but I don't know how to do well in job interviews -_- I've never had a job before, and I had one job interview before that I think I messed up pretty badly. I just feel so awkward in them. I feel like they want me to almost brag about myself, and I don't feel comfortable doing that... and also, it just confuses me to be asked about "problems" I have dealt with in work before (I've done volunteer jobs). Should I be honest and give a description of a bad problem, or be less honest and talk about how I handled a minor problem? Is it a good idea to bring a resume? I'm so confused! My last interview, he just let me talk on a subject until I felt like stopping... how long should I talk for if that happens again? If anyone has any interview advice, I would greatly appreciate it, thanks